Thursday, 30 August 2012

32. Completing several Band Hero songs on Medium level with my left hand

I have been right handed all my life, but due to my gran being ambidextrous (and me thinking it is rather cool and useful), I have over the years tried to learn to do more things with my left hand (my gran also had a stroke later in life and was able to use her right hand once her left hand became in active).

In general, I'm pretty rubbish.  The main things that I seemed to be good at was badminton and tennis, where I wasn't as strong as my right sweeps but I wasn't bad.

Anyway, more recently, I have tried playing guitar hero with my right and left hand, changing sides when one hand gets tired of pressing the buttons, lol.

Yesterday, was the first time EVER that I achieved several songs in a row playing left handed and I am really chuffed with myself.  It is very difficult because you have to do everything backwards and force your brain to think differently, but it is cool!

Below is a picture of the highest score I got in medium yesterday which is just under 80% (not bad for someone who is not left handed : P)

31. Winning money at the races

I have only been to the races only once before and pretty much, didn't really understand what I was doing.

This time, I decided to get advice and knowledge from some of the people with me and made three bets.  Two of mine were to guess winners/placers in 6 different races and the other was a two way bet (I think that's what they call it) on a winner (means you get money if they get within the first three places and if they win).

I made my choices very carefully and on the first two bids, lost (one I guessed 3 placed horses, but not the second 3).  But then on my last bet and the last race of the day, I won : )

Last Sovereign was the winning horse, of the last race at New Market Racecourse and with a £5 bet I won just under £25 : )  No bad for a newbie : )

(This is a picture of another race I watched on the day, as the one for my winning horse wasn't as good)

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

30. Writing a blog for someone else's website

Whilst I was away in Oxford, I was told by an individual that they would like me to write a weekly technology blog for their website.

So during the three weeks, I wrote a few entries (which will be going up in the next few weeks), about various apps and digital packages/products that people might be interested to hear about.

6 days ago, my first blog went up live on the internet and here it is:

It may only be on a small website, but it will help me with my writing portfolio and help me to get back on the horse in this area of work : )

Thursday, 9 August 2012

29. Trying Seabass

I have to say, I tried it but could not finish it (had about a third) : s

At least I can say I tried it and didnt like it instead of not trying it at all.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

28. Having massive bites on my leg

<p>Yes, it may not be a good first, but the other day I was bitten alive.</p>
<p>Some how some bug decided to get me 5 times and then both my legs became swollen and itches like mad. The left leg had the whole of the muscle at the back inflamed and us only just going down now, 5 days later. I'm also taking antihistamine cream and tablets and ibuprofen to sort it out.</p>
<p>There was me thinking that I didn't react to insect bites. So wrong!