Monday, 15 October 2012

35. Went to an adult Roller Disco

I have to say, there is not much to report back on this one.

Like many people, I went to a Roller Disco to see if I could still roller skate and I couldn't (well, I could, but badly).

It's another thing to add to the list but not something I'll be doing again : s

Saturday, 22 September 2012

34. Performed in YouMeBumBumTrain

For those of you that don't know about this show, it is basically an unusual theatre show where lots of volunteers make up the experience you have.

I wanted to volunteer because I know various people that have done it before and have said how much fun it is.

It was really cool because I got involved in a different scene each day and got to meet lots of cool volunteers from all types of backgrounds.

If you are interested, it has three shows left and you can sign up here:

If your not sure, just do it, you won't regret it : )

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

33. Tried black pudding

Being of Scottish descendent, I have tried over the years to come accustomed to traditional scottish food and drinks (because I had always wished I was born in Scotland and love that it's part of my family's history).  Two of my favourite in the past have been Irn Bru and Flat Scottish sausage, mmmmmm!

Swede is never going to be my friend and Veal also does not seem right for me.  However, Haggis grew on mine, it just took a bit of growing up and a change in my taste buds : p

The one thing that for years I have been uncomfortable with trying is black pudding (made of blood : s).  I have been offered it before and have either said no or have just left it sitting on the plate.  But today, for some reason, I decided to try it with my big breakfast.

I have to say it is like a strong sausage (it looks like one and is meaty) and not at all tasting of blood in the way I thought it would.  I am not sure I would have it all the time, but it was nice to have something different on the plate and an option for the future.

I feel as time goes on I am becoming more scottish in my blood - yay, my plan is working : )

Thursday, 30 August 2012

32. Completing several Band Hero songs on Medium level with my left hand

I have been right handed all my life, but due to my gran being ambidextrous (and me thinking it is rather cool and useful), I have over the years tried to learn to do more things with my left hand (my gran also had a stroke later in life and was able to use her right hand once her left hand became in active).

In general, I'm pretty rubbish.  The main things that I seemed to be good at was badminton and tennis, where I wasn't as strong as my right sweeps but I wasn't bad.

Anyway, more recently, I have tried playing guitar hero with my right and left hand, changing sides when one hand gets tired of pressing the buttons, lol.

Yesterday, was the first time EVER that I achieved several songs in a row playing left handed and I am really chuffed with myself.  It is very difficult because you have to do everything backwards and force your brain to think differently, but it is cool!

Below is a picture of the highest score I got in medium yesterday which is just under 80% (not bad for someone who is not left handed : P)

31. Winning money at the races

I have only been to the races only once before and pretty much, didn't really understand what I was doing.

This time, I decided to get advice and knowledge from some of the people with me and made three bets.  Two of mine were to guess winners/placers in 6 different races and the other was a two way bet (I think that's what they call it) on a winner (means you get money if they get within the first three places and if they win).

I made my choices very carefully and on the first two bids, lost (one I guessed 3 placed horses, but not the second 3).  But then on my last bet and the last race of the day, I won : )

Last Sovereign was the winning horse, of the last race at New Market Racecourse and with a £5 bet I won just under £25 : )  No bad for a newbie : )

(This is a picture of another race I watched on the day, as the one for my winning horse wasn't as good)

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

30. Writing a blog for someone else's website

Whilst I was away in Oxford, I was told by an individual that they would like me to write a weekly technology blog for their website.

So during the three weeks, I wrote a few entries (which will be going up in the next few weeks), about various apps and digital packages/products that people might be interested to hear about.

6 days ago, my first blog went up live on the internet and here it is:

It may only be on a small website, but it will help me with my writing portfolio and help me to get back on the horse in this area of work : )

Thursday, 9 August 2012

29. Trying Seabass

I have to say, I tried it but could not finish it (had about a third) : s

At least I can say I tried it and didnt like it instead of not trying it at all.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

28. Having massive bites on my leg

<p>Yes, it may not be a good first, but the other day I was bitten alive.</p>
<p>Some how some bug decided to get me 5 times and then both my legs became swollen and itches like mad. The left leg had the whole of the muscle at the back inflamed and us only just going down now, 5 days later. I'm also taking antihistamine cream and tablets and ibuprofen to sort it out.</p>
<p>There was me thinking that I didn't react to insect bites. So wrong!

Friday, 27 July 2012

27. Walking up the massive mound at Oxford (even though I don't like heights)

Was in Oxford yesterday and decided to go up the large mound which sits next to the flip-flops.  The flip flops weren't planned, they just happened.

Although it was quite scary going up - no fences once you get further up to stop you falling over the edge - the view was brilliant and so quiet : )

If anyone gets the chance to do it, it's only a £1 and is a nice way to escape the hustle and bustle of the town : )

Monday, 23 July 2012

26. Sacrilege 2012 - Bouncing on a full-size Stone Henge bouncy Castle : )

For those of you who haven't heard about Sacrilege 2012 and live in London (which is mainly where it is touring now), don't miss out on this pile of fun for all ages.

Designed by Jeremy Deller and created by the company that designed and made the first ever bouncy castle, together they have created a life-size version of Stone Henge.  Called Sacrilege because some people may see it as wrong and damaging to re-create this historic landmark in a bouncy form - I don't it's cool!  This is also part of Festival 2012 and funded by things like the Lottery Fund and Arts Council.

Aimed at adults and kids alike, it's bouncy fun for free and it's touring!

All details here:

I haven't been on a bouncy castle for years and not only did I forget how tiring it is, but also how much fun it is.  I have to say, the adults seem to enjoy it more than the kids, LOL.

If you get the chance to go, it is in London for the next couple of weeks at various pop up venues.

I hope this lines the way for more life-size pop up Landmarks : ) We haven't got any ideas of any that are not to big to travel, but I am sure there are more out there : )

Saturday, 21 July 2012

25. Pirate Pitch and Putt

So, I'm a kid at heart and I love nothing more than to do silly things.

Yesterday was one of them (before I saw Batman, which was great by the way), I went to play Pirate Pitch and Putt.

Located on the ground of Bluewater, it sits round the corner outside of John Lewis in the Wintergarden.   You have two courses to choose from Pirates and Smugglers (or if your bad like us, both, lol)

We spent about 2 hrs going round both courses, filled with pirate figures, barrels, boats and much more - it was so cool!

Unfortunately I did my usual trick of not winning either of the games, but I had fun and even got some holes in one - result!

I will put a pic up once I have downloaded it, but I'll put a link to their site up for now:;jsessionid=7C16FA41FE50DE2E4C7E093B7771C9DB

(If you get a chance, GO!)

Thursday, 19 July 2012

24. The Crown Crust Pizza

So it's been a long day, I've been walking round the shops looking for stuff for my work away from home and now I'm hungry.

I decide Pizza Hut looks good and get my boyfriend to go in.

As always, Pizza Hut are always trying to re-invent there pizzas, so low and behold, there was a new pizza - The Crown Crust Pizza.  Obviously I had to try it!  It is a cross between a stuffed crust and a cheesy bites edge, but this edge  is rippled with alternate segments of meatballs and cheese in the spaces.  We had it as a BBQ meat feast, cos it's the best.

I have to say, it's not better than the stuffed crust.  First of all, it's beef meatballs (I prefer pork ones) and they are not that nice and the cheese is cheddar rather than mozzarella, which just isn't as good : (  They also seasoned it with some weird pesto-esq green stuff, but it didn't help the taste, it kind of made it worse.  The main pizza was ok, just a bit too much BBQ sauce.  We had a great starter though called Sharing Platter that had a good portion of wedges, chicken strippers and garlic bread - SO GOOD!

Well, at least I tried something else : )

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

23. Trying a Blackbeard cocktail

Went to lunch with my parents and saw on the menu a Blackbeard cocktail, so I thought I'd try it.  What is in it, I hear you cry.

The drink is Morgan's Spiced Rum mixed with Pepsi and has a Guinness top.

I have to say I am happy to drink all the ingredients, just not normally all together.

I have to say, it was quite nice. Definitely tasted better than Guinness on its own and maybe even better than the Pepsi and rum. Try it if you want a slightly heavier but tasty alternative to your normal spirit and mixer concoction. (Only drink if you like Guinness though, as it is not as strong in this, but you can still taste it.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

22. Sleeping in a tent on my own

I am a bit of a scaredy cat (I even got scared going down small mounds of slippery mad at Latitude) and I do not like sleeping in complete darkness, so sleeping in a tent on my own worries me.

Over last weekend, I had a tent buddy for the first few nights, but then she left before the final night.  I was going to be on my own : s

I have to say, I don't know if it was because I had had 11 hours sleep in four days, was drunk on cider or just didn't think about it when it came to it, but it was absolutely fine.  I had lots of space, a little bit of natural light due to distant light and the fact the sun was coming up and it was nice.  I fell asleep so quickly.

It is great to know that something I am properly scared of I can deal with (even if it is just for one night) but it is definitely a step in the right direction.

My boyfriend's tent that I borrowed : )

Monday, 16 July 2012

21. Calling a show at Latitude Music Festival for a 650 seater venue : )

This one follows on from the last post, but is because I landed on taking up extra duties and calling a show (what a Deputy Stage Manger tends to do and cues all the lights and sound for the show).

This was an amazing experience and I felt great power (as well as generally being scared), that everything I called made a difference to the overall effect of the show.

I got through two shows of completely packed houses and had a cool time doing it - especially as it was at Latitude.

I would like to thank Theatre 503 for giving me this opportunity and allowing me to add something else great to the CV.

Friday, 6 July 2012

20. Being a Stage Manager

Have been working on a show since last Wednesday as a Stage Manager for a show : )

Taking on similar duties to the ASM role I did last year, but with extra things to do on top and a lot more responsibility.  I did do some sound/lighting operating at college and some stage management for in-house shows but I am new to doing it in the big wide world.   It's scary but cool and the show is brilliant with a lovely cast!

Shows are next Thursday and Friday : )

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

19. Trying Paneer and Haloumi cheese

I am not a good cheese person, never have been, never will be.

I'm one of those weird people who can eat melted cheese but not raw even though it's not raw.  I also only like mild cheeses.

I have just tried Paneer and Haloumi and I like them both.  Paneer is soft and looked a bit chickens when cooked, the Haloumi was like mozzarella in textural, apart from a bit more rubbery.

Yay, now that can add to cheddar and red leicesterand the few others I like : )

By the way,Brie was always been evil to me but was worse after I did Brie tasting at uni to get £20 - I will never forget how awful it was! Lol

Saturday, 30 June 2012

18. Working on a show with Arabic speaking cast members

One of the newest challenges in my work has been working on a show with Iraqie cast members who mainly don't speak english.

We do have a translator but at the start it was difficult because if you couldn't find them and the cast or you wanted to ask the other one something, you tried to explain it through actions.

It has got easier through the week and we have not just got used to finding ways to explain through gesture but also had a laugh along the way.

For many,it is their first time in the country and they have had the opportunity to work with the Royal Shakespeare Company, Lift Festival and also work at Riverside Studios.

The cast have been really nice and although we seem to have different ways of working, we have found muddle ground.

This is a great before thirty venture and one I didn't expect to have when I started this : )

Friday, 22 June 2012

17. Getting offered a job without interviewing

Today I had the most extraordinary day.  I woke to find there was a job that I was suited to on one of my regular job sites.

As any normal person would do, I applied for the job straight away (especially as it was to start Monday) and then carried on my day.

Later in the day I checked the application status and it had been looked at several times (which is normally a good sign).

At around 2:30pm I got a cool and was told they would love to have me on a board and I definitely fine to start Monday - insane!  Obviously I checked all the details and made sure I was happy with everything, but yes, I am starting a one week job from Monday with a new company I have never worked with before.  I might expect this from a past client but not from someone who is only going from my experience.

It's been a great way to end the working week and I now feel I deserve a beer : )

Thursday, 21 June 2012

16. Eating a Giant Walnut Whip

This was a belated Easter pressie from my boyfriend, who was going to buy me one for Easter Sunday and then Marks and Spencers ran out, so I was just given a more normal egg : (

However, they were so popular, they have randomly brought them back and he bought me one : )

It is cool because the Walnut Whip is bigger in height than a big mug of tea and has little walnut whip hidden inside it (the ones inside are vanilla flavoured, but don't taste like how I normally expect them to).

Very cool and suits the big kid that I am - like a kinder surprise for adults : )

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

15. Having a Nexplanon put in my arm

For those of you that don't know what this is, it is a contraceptive implant for women, that fits in the underside of the top of the arm.

I used to have an Implanon, but apparently this is it's new replacement.

The main difference between this one is it is inserted using a tiny machine, so that it is in the right place (unlike the old ones, where a doctor inserted my friends one too deep into her arm and she went to hospital to have it removed : s) and the fact that it shows up on x-rays.  It also seems to be a bit longer in length (like a small plastic bendy tube that produces low does of Etonogestral), a bit thicker and is placed slightly higher up the arm than before.

I had mine put in the other day and now that the incision has healed, I don't have to think about it for another 3 years - perfect!

For more information, please look on the official website:

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

14. Trying to learn how to make an app : s

Try is the word with this task.

Had an urge to try and make an app (especially as I have a computer, Tablet and phone that uses them).

Now I never thought it would be an easy task, but it is definitely a lot harder than I first anticipated.  Actually, I think the set up is the biggest problem rather than the designing/making.

I have so far got as far as half creating the sample app that they suggest first, but my phone doesn't seem to want to connect to the package or my comp, LOL.

Below is a picture of how far I have got so far.

Hopefully I will be able to update this status at some point to made an app, lol.

I have lots of creative ideas and skills, so I do hope that my venture takes off : )

Friday, 15 June 2012

13. Dancing in the Streets

I've worked in Theatre for years and tend to work on musicals, so never get the chance or the urge to go and see them.

However, my friend was working on this show and I'd always wanted to see it, so I went.  It was "Dancing in the Streets"

More like a concert than a normal show, the performance brings you the best Motown hits from the likes of Stevie Wonder, The Supremes, The Temptations and many more.

The concert was SO good, there were slow and upbeat tunes, a great range of voices and chances to get up and boogie in the aisles - just what I like! : )

If you've never seen this show and like a good bit of soul, I definitely recommend it : )

Sunday, 10 June 2012

12. Buying a Tablet : )

I have never had a laptop or a netbook and I am now the proud owner of my own tablet : )

I didn't go for anything fancy, just a cheap 7 inch tablet from an unknown brand.  However, it is one of the best buys I have had in recent months.  It does all the things I want it to, has 16G in space and an extra 32G you can add to it and I bought it with a folder/keyboard and foam cover for £120 - BARGAIN!!! (it's brand new as well!)

I have mainly bought mine for the purpose of applying for work and watching netflix, which it is perfect for.  It also works in the same way as my phone, so I don't need to learn any new systems.

So exciting, I'm finely becoming even more of a technology nerd than before : )

Thursday, 7 June 2012

11. Vanilla Chai Latte

Tried my first Vanilla Chai Latte on the way to work today.  I have always had the cinnamon one,so unsure if I even realised it existed.

It is quite a lot sweeter than the cinnamon one,but is like a warm version of the enjoyment you get when you lick a Mr Whippy - yummy!

I can't say I favour it for my normal one,but it would make a nice addition to the hot drinks I move between : )

Monday, 4 June 2012

10. Offering a great ticket offer to the masses : )

You might think that this shouldn't count, but I believe it should.

I have worked in Theatre for ages and normally I have to be really hush hush about ticket offers.  But today, I was told about an offer that anyone is allowed to use if they know about.

All the details are below and it's not a con.  I want to offer something to you my viewers : )

It is a 2 for 1 ticket offer for Sister Act at The New Wimbledon Theatre.  If you like a good musical, with a decent story and great songs - this could be for you!

Details below, have a great show on me : )  For once, I get to give something back!

Great SISTER ACT OFFER (2 for 1 ticket offer on Top Price Tickets*) at New Wimbledon Theatre: Book at or call 0844 871 7646 (bkg fee) and quote JUBILEE

*Valid for three top price for all performances. This offer is subject to availability and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Bookable in multiples of two only. Subject to booking/transaction fee.

Thursday, 31 May 2012

9. Herman the friendship cake

Now if you've been reading the London Metro or The Guardian, then you may have heard about this current trend that seems to have appeared (apparently it has been going for ages, but has suddenly grown in popularity).

Herman, is a German friendship cake.  Working on similar principles to the evil chain letter popularity of the 90s (but much more fun and tasty), you get passed some mix, add some stuff, split it in 4, give three away, add final ingredients, then cook.  

I was a bit sceptical originally, as I hated chain letters and wondered where the original mix came from : s However, my best mate convinced me and so my cake expedition started. 

Each day you mainly just stir Herman, as he is a sour dough cake (which sounds wrong but its not).  On certain days, you add ingredients to increase his size and then stir (literally takes a few minutes out of your day).

The whole process takes 10 days, however by day 9, you need to know who your passing him to.  I was very persuasive and had been told how good it was by my best mate (we like the same things, I trust her).  

Anyway, I gave away three parts of my Herman cake the other day and made mine.  He actually was a rather big cake, so we made two small loaves - which have gone down very well in my house.

He is a fruit cake, but he is the most moist fruitcake I've ever had and so much tastier than past ones I've made.

So if Herman happens to be offered to you, give it a try - in a time of recession, be happy, make cake and pass the tastiness on : )

 He's so yummy!

Monday, 28 May 2012

8. Cantonese tea for two

Anyone who likes clotted cream and scones has either probably had a cream tea somewhere or afternoon tea at some swanky place.  As a change, we went for Cantonese tea for two (which was part of my mum's birthday present) and we managed to get a great price via Groupon.

This was held at the Grand Imperial (part of the Grosvenor Hotel near Victoria station) and before we went we did not know what would be part of the deal.

To start with, we were asked what type of tea we wanted and then a large teapot with china cups came out (very posh).  After this, a cake stand appeared with 3 tiers of delightful goodies.  The top layer held 3 different starter esk type goodies containing pork, lobster and we think crayfish or prawn.  The middle tier had 2 duck and cucumber pieces on a prawn cracker and then 2 with an array of small diced veg.  To finish (on the bottom tier) was two egg tart pastries and 2 green tea mousses.  We were expected to eat most of this with chopsticks (which for pros like us is normally fine) but due to a few food accidents, we had a little bit of help from our hands and some spoons in the end : )

For me the starter and main tiers were my favourite - they had lots of choice of flavour and were all made differently.  The puddings weren't bad, but for once they didn't really work for me.

The experience overall was really good - great service, nice food and a relaxed atmosphere.

If you're intrigued, I would definitely try it, as I found it enjoyable and tried a few new things : )

Friday, 25 May 2012

7. Digital jobs fair

I have been to the odd really rubbish job fair in the past (mainly just because I have been curious) but due to the fact I am trying to steer my work in a new direction, I decided to go to a proper jobs fair for what I was looking for (I've had an interest in digital technology for awhile, but they didn't used to have careers fairs for it).  This particular one was run by Digital Shoreditch (which is actually running for over another week).

The thing I liked about this one was that it had been well organised.  There were people from various companies to chat to (but all within a circular area - we were in a big top tent - which also fits in with the creative side), a CV and Portfolio surgery done by good digital agencies, some workshops and free food and drink (which I think is important when people are there for a long time).

I was particularly interested in two stalls who I talked to staff at and was very impressed with (Entraprise and Unruly - the latter, even gave me a cupcake after chatting to me - 10 points : p).

I think if you are looking for digital work, you should definitely check them out.  I feel I have some leads now to follow and a little more direction than I felt before.

Go to to find out more.

6. Beginners course in Henna Tattooing

The aim original of this blog was to try new exciting courses and things I had never done, but it has been hard fitting this in around work etc.  However, I finally got to do one of the things I wanted to:  Henna Tattooing.

Went with a friend of mine to a local centre and did a two hour session.  In the session we had the chance to: look at images about the two main types of henna tattooing and what makes them different, learn how to hold the cones of henna and get used to the tension you need to produce to get the right flow, practised basic lines and shapes and finally created some flowers and leaves with shading.

It's great to learn because you be creative with it and either follow traditional styles (Indian and Arabic) or create your own images.  I wouldn't say I had a natural knack for it, but enjoyed doing it : )  It's also good for trying out designs that you might want done as a normal tattoo, as it is not permanent.

The session was really interesting and made me want to buy some henna and try it on myself.  When a suitable time arises, I will buy some to put on myself for an event : )

Monday, 21 May 2012

5. Wearing and applying shatter nail varnish

I didn't really used to wear nail varnish as I grew up.  I had random colours I had bought at different points, but my mum didn't like me tarting myself up (especially as I always looked older for my age was I was younger).

A reasonably new craze in nail varnish has been shatter nail varnish polish.  You basically put on a base coat, then one or two layers of your favourite colour and then put a fourth layer of shatter proof varnish on top.  This final layer cracks as it sets, letting the other colour show underneath.

I wasn't expecting my trial to be successful when I originally tried it out for a hen-do, but I was presently surprised (should have known, Barry M make-up is pretty good).  It worked fast, efficiently and looked good.

Now I've done my nails again, this time in silver and black - I never knew I could be so trendy : )

4. Buying Princess Shoes

Does anyone remember this advert:

Magic Shoes were a massive hit at the end of the 80s, every girl wanted them and most in the end owned them.  Unfortunately for me not only did my parents want me to wear sensible shoes (patent shoes got damaged easily and always had to be replaced) but they did not do these in a wide fitting, so I couldn't have them : (

I spent a lot of my time growing up not getting shoes I wanted because they were either not wide enough or not big enough (I was a size 6 by the time I went to secondary and have now been a size 8 for yonks).

As some of you will know from my other blog, shoes have become slightly more important in my life in recent years (they do nice ones in my size, I have more money than when I was a teen and my interests have changed).

Anywho, I was going to a wedding reception the other day and was originally looking for a nice new dress in TK Maxx, but couldn't find what I was looking for.  I went to have a quick look at the shoes and saw the most amazing glittery silver ones - picture below.

I decided not only because they fit, looked great and would go with my outfit, that I would buy them, but also to fulfil the dreams of my younger self, who never got those magic shoes she wanted (they are also rocket dogs, so quite comfy : p)

They are not red so I won't be saying "There's no place like home" at the end of a long night, but they have filled the void and made the 7 year old me very happy : )

Friday, 27 April 2012

3. Wedding Fair

I went to my first Wedding Fair the other day with my friend.  I had obviously been aware of these events before, but had never had the pleasure before.  I have to say, I expected a lot more free stuff and things to try and it was more like an exhibition than an event as such.

My friend (I will keep her identity hidden, lol) and I went to Alexander Palace for their Wedding event.  My friend had suggested going because she is starting to plan her wedding and had won free tickets to go.

I really like Alexander Palace because it is a spacious venue, so it was a bit of a disappointment that the event was set up in a rather small space.  Also the security guard by accident threw my friends gift bag tickets in the bin with our ticket stubs, so my friend had to prove to these women at a desk that we were here for the wedding event - ridiculous!

My main annoyance about these events is most of the stuff is quite samey and it's only going to these events that you realise this - the main things people try and sell you are:  a venue, a dress, flowers or a cake.  My biggest pet hate was the cake stalls trying to get people to order their wedding cake at their event, but there was no cake to try.  Your cake can look great, but if it tastes like cardboard, no one will eat it.  We did however find one cake stall that did have tasters, it was bad, but I've had better : )

The three stalls however that I really liked and made our trip all the worth making:

1.  A wedding blog stall - a stall where all the items there were hand made and you can go on their blog to find out how to make them for your wedding - brilliant idea!

2. A costumes stall - a stall offering you everything you may need for a themed wedding and venue (if you want that too).  I'm trying to encourage my friend to have a medieval wedding, as her and her fella would look great in those clothes and it would be amazing : )

3. (But definitely not my least favourite) The stall of Danny the Idiot.  He is basically a guy who works with his mate to create balloon creations of any kind for your big day - AMAZING!  At the stall they had palm trees, monkeys, dogs, flowers - it was so cool.  We convinced the guy to give us balloons if we signed up to his mailing list, he agreed : )  I got a flower and my friend got Odi from Garfield : )

The thing I loved about these 3 stalls were they were very different and very us.  My friend and I both like unusual things, we like things that make us laugh and we want to have our own take on things.  Although I'm not engaged yet (my fella doesn't rid this, so he won't see the hint, lol) it did give nice food for thought.

So after our brief trip to the Wedding Fair we went into central London ate, drank and chatted - an overall worthwhile day.  Oh that and the balloon creations - mine is still alive and kicking in my house : )

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

2. Kisstory

So I went to Kisstory the other day - something I have been meaning to do for ages.

I love so many radio stations, but I love nothing more than to tune into Kiss Fm at 11am for all the best tunes from the past that their station has played (most the time I listen is when I am doing the laundry for the show and I iggle my hips and sing my heart out whilst doing the ironing : p - this is fine until people walk through the space when I'm not  expecting them too : s)

Kisstory was as urban and trendy as I expected it (which is not really my scene) but because we were out for a Hen night, I was dressed up and felt like I fitted in, lol.

Because I am like the song Bitch by Meredith Brooks (look up the song, not as bad as it seems), I very rely go to clubs that specialise in all the different styles of music I like, so it was nice to go to one that played RnB : )

I had a really good time at the o2 (everyone we went with seemed to have a good time) but I can't decide if I'd go again.  Although I liked most of the music, there was a fair amount of Garage (which I do not like) and it just seemed like the sort of thing that was great to try but maybe I am just getting to old for that particular scene.  Doesn't mean I can't still enjoy that music, maybe it just needs to be whilst dancing round my kitchen : )

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Planning things to do

Everything has been a bit crazy in the last couple of weeks, so my blogs have had to take a back seat unfortunately : (   However, I have not forgotten about either of them.

Have booked my learn to Henna Tattoo session with a friend (which won't be for a few months) and have found out someone I know investigates sites that have had ghostly goings on.  I have told him about my project and he has said he is willing for myself and a friend to go along to one in June : )  How exciting!!! I still haven't started the Mandarin, but have some spare hours Tuesday, so I will be looking at that and my Web Design Course then. 

Other possible things I may be signing up for could include: Roller Skiing, a basic single lesson learning how to fly a plane, a helicopter ride, a hat making course.  There are so many exciting things out there and sites like Groupon make it a lot more reasonable in price to do : )

I am also going to be using e-how too (a free site where professionals teach you how to do all sorts of things).  I had a brief go at learning to do an Irish Dancing reel, so I might try and learn some more.  I once cut a friend's hair (she knows who she is, lol) using the original site Expert Village to give me a step by step guide - if I can cut someones hair using the site, anything is possible.

I have told some more friends about my ideas and I might land up getting a load of people involved in trying new things - this could be the exciting project I have been looking for. 

Also if I didn't tell you before, my new background is images of creativce things I've done or been involved in previously.  I have also just changed my title to Firsts Before Thirty, as it is more fitting to this 6 month project.

Until the next instalment...

Monday, 19 March 2012

1. Learning Mandarin (or attempting)

Firstly, like in my other blog, apologise for lack of writing.  Computer sick, so no writing for me : (

I have just paid and signed into my 12 month course of Mandarin.  I decided to go for this language as I used to study Italian, French and Latin and wanted to try something different.  I have also always wanted to go to China, so I also thought this might be useful for some future trip.

I won't start learning it tonight as it's late and I'm tired, but paying for it and signing in is definitely the first step : )  I have also paid for a 12 month Web Development course, a 2hr course in Henna Tattooing and I am already thinking of other things to do (possibly Rollerskiing : p).  It's so exciting and I can't wait to start trying new things : )


Yonks after writing this post, I have finally started Mandarin.  So far I have done a few sessions and I am really enjoying it. My biggest problem with my course is my computer does not like the bit where the course needs to access the microphone, so I am unable to do any speaking tests yet, which is quite annoying.  However, I have started completed some of the games for the first section and I am doing well : )

Monday, 12 March 2012

The inspiration...

For anyone that has been reading my Route to Thirty blog, this is kind of a side blog to that even though it could be read completely separately.  Due to being thirty at the end of this year, I have been re-accessing my lifestyle and things I do.

The idea of this blog is to find new skills (if you hadn't guessed from the title, lol).  The reason:  I was working on Lord of the Dance recently and saw one of the Wardrobe women learning to Irish dance when she wasn't working.  It looked like so much fun and reminded me of all the hobbies and interests I have slowly given up (many down to Theatre, as the unsocial hours and long days make it hard to do anything, let alone see friends and family). The other thing that triggered it was my friend @CaraNeedsHelp said she had read my blog and liked it, but asked if I was going to set myself any aims.  Thinking about her comment and me watching the Irish dancing the other day made me think, why don't I try and find some new skills.

I have previously done lots of random things including: Air Guitaring to compete to be a finalist for Ireland; cut my friends hair using an online guide; completed Go Ape (even though I am not very good at heights) and used to do Ju-Jitsu.  I have no idea how this blog is going to turn out, but I am willing to try and find new skills to try, to push my boundaries and maybe even something interesting to add to my CV (also if Karl Pilkington can do new things, so can I!).  At the moment, this blog will run up to my thirtieth birthday too, but we will see how it goes.  

And so it begins...