Like many people, I went to a Roller Disco to see if I could still roller skate and I couldn't (well, I could, but badly).
It's another thing to add to the list but not something I'll be doing again : s
I have to say, I tried it but could not finish it (had about a third) : s
At least I can say I tried it and didnt like it instead of not trying it at all.
<p>Yes, it may not be a good first, but the other day I was bitten alive.</p>
<p>Some how some bug decided to get me 5 times and then both my legs became swollen and itches like mad. The left leg had the whole of the muscle at the back inflamed and us only just going down now, 5 days later. I'm also taking antihistamine cream and tablets and ibuprofen to sort it out.</p>
<p>There was me thinking that I didn't react to insect bites. So wrong!
Went to lunch with my parents and saw on the menu a Blackbeard cocktail, so I thought I'd try it. What is in it, I hear you cry.
The drink is Morgan's Spiced Rum mixed with Pepsi and has a Guinness top.
I have to say I am happy to drink all the ingredients, just not normally all together.
I have to say, it was quite nice. Definitely tasted better than Guinness on its own and maybe even better than the Pepsi and rum. Try it if you want a slightly heavier but tasty alternative to your normal spirit and mixer concoction. (Only drink if you like Guinness though, as it is not as strong in this, but you can still taste it.
I am not a good cheese person, never have been, never will be.
I'm one of those weird people who can eat melted cheese but not raw even though it's not raw. I also only like mild cheeses.
I have just tried Paneer and Haloumi and I like them both. Paneer is soft and looked a bit chickens when cooked, the Haloumi was like mozzarella in textural, apart from a bit more rubbery.
Yay, now that can add to cheddar and red leicesterand the few others I like : )
By the way,Brie was always been evil to me but was worse after I did Brie tasting at uni to get £20 - I will never forget how awful it was! Lol
One of the newest challenges in my work has been working on a show with Iraqie cast members who mainly don't speak english.
We do have a translator but at the start it was difficult because if you couldn't find them and the cast or you wanted to ask the other one something, you tried to explain it through actions.
It has got easier through the week and we have not just got used to finding ways to explain through gesture but also had a laugh along the way.
For many,it is their first time in the country and they have had the opportunity to work with the Royal Shakespeare Company, Lift Festival and also work at Riverside Studios.
The cast have been really nice and although we seem to have different ways of working, we have found muddle ground.
This is a great before thirty venture and one I didn't expect to have when I started this : )
Tried my first Vanilla Chai Latte on the way to work today. I have always had the cinnamon one,so unsure if I even realised it existed.
It is quite a lot sweeter than the cinnamon one,but is like a warm version of the enjoyment you get when you lick a Mr Whippy - yummy!
I can't say I favour it for my normal one,but it would make a nice addition to the hot drinks I move between : )